Steinbrenner High School

Steinbrenner High School

Site Development, Paving, Sealcoating and Striping

Pavement area was developed to expand the parking lot at Steinbrenner High School.

Unique Project Characteristics

This was a fast-tracked high school student parking expansion project (over 150 cars) that had to be completed in seven weeks over the summer school break of 2016. The project was approximately two acres, and first required the demolition of a former daycare center. The area was at a low elevation during the rainy season, which required substantial dewatering challenges, additionally required imported fill to achieve proper elevations. Storm drainage system was installed which connected to the existing offsite utility system. Stabilization of subbase, placement of crushed concrete base and asphalt installation. All work self-performed by Alto personnel. Additionally, Alto was responsible for the hiring and coordinating of Site lighting and fencing for this project. Alto completed on time.

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